What is the CDDO?

Consistent with provisions of the Developmental Disabilities (DD) Reform Act, the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS) has designated a Community Developmental Disability Organization (CDDO) for every area of the state to help coordinate DD services and supports.

Big Lakes Developmental Center, Inc. (BLDC) as the CDDO for Geary, Riley, Clay, and Pottawatomie counties, works with affiliated agencies and providers to ensure quality services that are cost effective and easy to access.


-Provides the single point of contact (entry) for people seeking services;
-Maintains an area-wide services needs list for those waiting for services;
-Provides information to assist individuals and their families in determining which service provider(s) they would like to access;
-Works with people towards admission to all needed services;
-Provides information and referral services;
-Coordinates the relocation of people living in state hospitals who wish to return to their home county; and
-Works with affiliated agencies to ensure customer-driven quality service delivery.

Referral Services

Your situation may fall outside the range of services available through the CDDO. If that happens, our staff can assist with referring you to alternate resources available in your community. Further, if you need assistance with locating services in another community, our staff can help.

Further information regarding CDDOs, including laws, appeals processes, CDDOs outside of the 4-county area, and much more, can be found at the KDADS website.